St Joseph’s School is a full primary, providing learning opportunities within a Catholic environment for students from Year 1 – 8. We are a very well resourced school providing up to date technology, sporting opportunities and quality teaching and learning for all students.
School starts: 8:50 am
Morning tea: 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Lunch: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm – students sit together and eat their lunch from 12:30 pm – 12:45 pm monitored by a teacher.
Afternoon: 1:30 pm – 2:50 pm
A teacher is on duty from 8:30 am each morning, at morning tea and lunch time and the playground is monitored until 3:10 pm each afternoon.
School Uniform
The uniform can be bought from Mainland Uniforms.
The complete uniform is to be worn to and from school at all times unless either the home or school notifies the other. You are asked to co-operate when it comes to wearing our school uniform and feel proud to be part of our school community. We expect the uniform requirements to be followed and respected.
Sneakers and sports shoes are only to be worn for sport and physical education.
Boys Summer
- Shirt – open neck, short sleeved, grey cotton drill shirt
- Jersey – V neck, dark royal blue
- Shorts – grey cotton drill
- Shoes – black Roman Sandals or equivalent, black lace up shoes, Jodhpur boots in black.
- Socks – grey, knee length, only with black shoes or boots
- Hat – navy
Boys Winter
- Shirt – grey long sleeved cotton
- Shorts – dark grey/ wool blend
- Jersey – V-neck, dark royal blue
- Socks – grey knee length only with black shoes or boots
- Shoes – black lace up shoes, Jodhpur Boots in black
Girls Summer
- Shirt – short-sleeved white blouse
- Tunic or Culottes – royal/black tartan
- Jersey – V-neck, dark royal blue
- Shoes – Roman Sandals or equivalent, black lace up shoes, Jodhpur boots black.
- Socks – white ankle
- Hat – navy
Girls Winter
- Shirt – long sleeved white blouse
- Tunic or Culottes – royal/black tartan
- Jersey – V-neck, dark royal blue
- Shoes – black lace up shoes, Jodhpur boots black,
- Socks – white ankle, navy knee length, navy blue tights
Year 7/8 girls may remove the bib if desired in either season
Sun Hat: All students require a navy blue sunhat. Hats require a brim
Sports Uniform:
- Shirt – navy sports shirt with school logo – to be purchased from school
- Shorts – red or navy blue (plain leggings are acceptable for girls)
- Socks – white sport socks
- Shoes – sneakers or sport shoes
Seasonal Changes:
- Summer uniform worn in Term 1 and Term 4
- Winter uniform for Term 2 and Term 3
Students are required to wear black school shoes with leather uppers and rubber soles (see the images on this page). Active-wear school shoes may be worn as an alternative, however they must have a black upper and sole. They must not have a white sole or noticeable branding.
Hair needs to be tied back if it is past shoulder length and should be the child’s natural colour.
Please notify the school if your child is going to be absent before 9am by phoning the office, using the contact form or leaving a message on HERO or Facebook.
Unexplained absences will be followed up to the best of the school’s ability. Irregular attendance or regularly being late can be a significant barrier to learning.
Bus Transport
Children can travel on the school bus provided that they live no closer than 3.2 kms from the school. If you wish for your child to travel by bus please contact Graham Armstrong from SBL on Ph. 319 6507.
Traveling by bus is a privilege and where a student’s behaviour causes consistent concern, parents will be asked to seek alternative arrangements.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
In the Event of a Fire
- Leave by the main door (use emergency exit door if the main door is blocked)
- Class teacher to take the Class list
- Go quietly to the assembly at the edge of the asphalt and playing field and line up in your classes on the grass.
- Rooms 1 & 5 teachers to check the toilets and cloak bays.
- The Principal will check the library and foyer area.
- Office staff/Principal to ring 111 and check administration area.
In the Event of an Earthquake
- On teachers command “Drop and Cover” children are to take cover under a desk with hands holding the desk legs, facing away from the windows and remain there until told to move by the teacher.
- If it is necessary to leave the room follow the same evacuation procedures as for a Fire.
- If outside move away from buildings and trees and proceed to evacuation area as soon as possible.
In the Event of a Tsunami
- Follow the procedures for an Earthquake.
- Assemble at the evacuation point as above
- Office Manager and teacher’s to collect Grab and Go backpacks, call roll and proceed to high ground
- Room 5/1 buddy up and lead way, with Rooms 2 and 4 following
- Walk along Ludstone Road to the old NCTIR Village site. Assemble in the paddock until given the “All Clear”, if longer than 30 minutes walk up to Churchill Street park.
- Children can be collected by parent or caregiver, or designated person. (Permission list in backpack).
School Policies
SchoolDocs works with over 550 primary, intermediate, secondary, and area/composite schools throughout New Zealand to keep their policies and procedures up-to-date. Our school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines.
Policies identify agreed processes and procedures that ensure:
- Key legislative requirements are met;
- Those involved in the service have a shared understanding of agreed processes and procedures so that these are consistent, safe and appropriate; and
- Those involved in the service have the opportunity to discuss policy and suggest change through regular review processes.
As a member of our school community, we welcome you to be involved in the ongoing review of our policies.
You can visit our policies web page here.
As our policies are school specific to St Joseph’s School, Kaikoura, our password can be found in our school’s fortnightly newsletter. We welcome feedback on any of our policies anytime, which the Board review at their meetings.
Copyright: “Except where stated, the content on this site is the copyright of SchoolDocs Ltd. It may not be reproduced without written permission from SchoolDocs Ltd.”
Attendance Dues
$545.00 annually